A large hosta with long, vividly colored leaves edged in bright green around pure white centers. Lavender flowers in early summer. That great spot of brightness you've been looking for! (Mature Size: 28"T x 48"W)
Small hosta that is a sport of 'June' with distinctly wider, blue margins. Yellow center brightens to white by midsummer. Pale lavender flowers. Slug resistant! (Mature Size: 8"T x 15"W)
A very bright medium hosta with frosty blue leaves and an extra wide yellow margin turning creamy white as the season goes on. Lavender flowers in mid to late summer. Slug resistant! (Mature Size: 12"T x 24"W)
A lovely mini hosta with pointed leaves with a very wide blue-green border and creamy white center that give it a totally different look. (Mature Size: 6"T x 11"W)