

In the world of gardens, the Hosta Trendsetter reigns supreme, bringing a touch of avant-garde flair to flowerbeds everywhere. With its green leaves elegantly adorned with daring yellow margins, this perennial pioneer is a hybrid masterpiece born from the union of 'Empress Wu' Hosta and a streaked 'Niagara Falls' Hosta. In the horticultural catwalk, the Hosta Trendsetter takes the lead, turning gardeners into true style connoisseurs. (Mature Size: 12"T x 40"W)


This cute small hosta grows quickly and has distinctly cupped leaves that are chartreuse in the centers with broad, deep green margins. Light lavender flowers. A very happy little plant! (Mature Size: 9"T x 19"W)


This medium hosta is a sport of June, with blue leaves and yellow centers, some green spliced throughout. Has a slightly upright stature and lavender flowers. Slug resistant and sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 16"T x 24"W)


Want fries with your order? A mini to small green hosta that's the perfect side item to any garden. Its unique wiggly leaves certainly make this plant true to its name. Lavender flowers. (Mature Size: 6"T x 16"W)