In the world of gardens, the Hosta Trendsetter reigns supreme, bringing a touch of avant-garde flair to flowerbeds everywhere. With its green leaves elegantly adorned with daring yellow margins, this perennial pioneer is a hybrid masterpiece born from the union of 'Empress Wu' Hosta and a streaked 'Niagara Falls' Hosta. In the horticultural catwalk, the Hosta Trendsetter takes the lead, turning gardeners into true style connoisseurs. (Mature Size: 12"T x 40"W)
A new medium hosta boasting nicely corrugated chartreuse centered leaves edged with a wide green margin. Near white flowers in early to midsummer. (Mature Size: 18"T x 40"W)
A fun small hosta with bright yellow leaves that are very long and thin and notable for their incredibly "wiggly" margins. Some morning sun will really maximize its color. Lavender flowers (Mature Size: 10"T x 24"W)
This cute small hosta grows quickly and has distinctly cupped leaves that are chartreuse in the centers with broad, deep green margins. Light lavender flowers. A very happy little plant! (Mature Size: 9"T x 19"W)