This hosta dances in the garden with its wavy and ruffled leaves. Dancing in the Moonlight features a green-blue center with a thick creamy white margin that highlights the shape and texture of the leaves. To compliment the light margins, this hosta will produce white flowers come midsummer time. (Mature Size: 18"T x 30"W)
Meet 'Dawn's Early Light,' a new medium Hosta with wavy, corrugated leaves in solid gold-chartreuse. Elegant and bright, it brings a touch of morning glow to your garden.
Let's go on a journey to meet the perfect addition to your shade garden! A medium-sized hosta, 'Don't Stop Believin' has stunning blue-green leaves with cream margins that add a touch of elegance to any garden. Take a moment to appreciate the simple joys of nature's beauty and find inspiration in the resilience of this timeless plant. So, here's to us, to believing we can keep our little green corners thriving, one leaf at a time! (Mature Size: 16"Tx 28"W)
Named after the site of the first gold rush in the U.S., 'Dahlonega' Hosta is a treasure in itself with its corrugated, domed golden leaves. This variety not only pays homage to history but also blooms with near-white flowers in early summer, adding a delicate touch to its vibrant and textured presence in your garden. 'Dahlonega' is a golden tribute, blending history, unique leaf characteristics, and a touch of elegance with its blossoms. (Mature Size: 22"T x 49"W)
Dive into the captivating depths of 'Deep Waters,' a large and upright hosta that commands attention with its thick and puckered blue leaves. It's rich, deep blue foliage, heavily corrugated with waves along the margins. Adding to its allure, 'Deep Waters' blooms with pale lavender flowers in July, transforming your garden into an underwater oasis of beauty. (Mature Size: 28"Tx47"W)
This medium hosta has unique coloring with a greyish blue in the beginning of the season that turns to a more grey green color as the season progresses. All the while, the back side of the leaf holds onto a white color. It also features ruffled leaves and a unique white flower with purple sprinkled throughout it. (Mature Size: 15"T x 28"W)
This hosta features folded, heart shaped leaves with creamy, yellow margins and a green centers. It is 16"x24" and sports a pale lavender flower early in the summer. (Mature Size: 16"T x 24"W)
This medium sized upright hosta has blue leaves with very wavy margins. Lavender flowers.
A great new medium hosta from Don Dean with ripply and wavy bright yellow foliage with nice veining and speckled red petioles. Pale lavender flowers. Adds a delicate touch and pop of color to the garden. (Mature Size: 15"T x 35"W)
True to its name, this large showy hosta has green leaves with brightly contrasting yellow margins that really give it a pop. The ripply margins give it a nice, softened look. White flowers in midsummer. (Mature Size: 30"H x 86"W)
This hosta captivates with its heart-shaped, wavy leaves and bright blue color. The leaves hold their blue color throughout the entire season. Its rippled texture adds dimension to the garden and will do so quickly with its vigorous growing habits. This hosta will grow into a large wavy clump in no time! (Mature Size: 18"T x 43"W)
Diamond Lake is a large, blue hosta with thick, luxurious and heart shaped leaves with lovely, wavy edges. This plant tops off with lavender leaves in early to midsummer. (Mature Size: 17"T x 45"W)
A large vigorous grower with variegated leaves consisting of very wide, blue-green margins and sharply contrasting creamy white centers. White flowers appear on two foot scapes in midsummer. (Mature Size: 30"T x 72"W)
This large gorgeously bright yellow hosta will catch everyone's eye. Leaves are decorated with a rippled edge and hold their color all season. Pale lavender flowers. (Mature Size: 18"T x 30"W)
Sweeter than it sounds, this mounding giant can be found sporting huge heavy blue leaves with a wide green margin. White flowers top it all off. (Mature Size: 30"T x 48"W)