


This hosta dances in the garden with its wavy and ruffled leaves. Dancing in the Moonlight features a green-blue center with a thick creamy white margin that highlights the shape and texture of the leaves. To compliment the light margins, this hosta will produce white flowers come midsummer time. (Mature Size: 18"T x 30"W)


This larger-than-life hosta will have you running for your life to Hostas on the Bluff! Gigantosaurus hosta is a brand new giant hosta with gold-chartreuse margins and blue centers. Additionally, it will be one of the first hostas to greet you in the spring. (Mature Size: 32"T x 78"W)


Check out this sport of Key West! Lone Star is a medium-sized hosta featuring bright green leaves with stunning gold-chartreuse margins. Even the sheriff will enforce the law that you need this hosta in your garden! (Mature Size: 28"T x 56"W)


The hills are alive with this stunning hosta! This gorgeous giant has massive corrugated leaves that feature a chartreuse center with both green and blue variegation patterns. The center matures into a creamy white closer to summertime along with shooting off some white blooms. (Mature Size: 32"T x 64"W)


My Fair Lady is an elegant tricolor hosta, blending blue, green, and gold together. This medium-sized hosta will be a proper addition to your shade garden. Its wavy leaves add a touch of texture and sophistication. (Mature Size: 17"T x 38"W)


Remembering our roots: Our garden began with just a couple hostas, gifted from our business owner’s grandmother, Honey. Little did we know they would blossom into something incredible! Our unique hosta “Sweet as Honey” is named after our very own sweet Grandma Honey. She lives on in our garden and in our legacy! (Mature Size: 22"T x 40"W)


Introducing Mouse Capades, a mini resilient and enchanting Hosta that effortlessly navigates your garden with its thick, and wavy foliage. This playful variety is not just a delight to the eyes but also boasts slug-resistant leaves, ensuring a carefree and captivating performance without any unwanted slimy guests. (Mature Size 7"Tx18W)


Meet 'And You and I,' a Hosta crafted by Rob Mortko in celebration of 40 years of love. With cupped, corrugated leaves, it's a resilient beauty, resisting slugs and thriving with rapid growth. A tribute to enduring romance in your garden.


Introducing 'Snicker's Surprise,' a medium-sized Hosta that delights with its blue hue and wide irregular yellow margins. This variegated beauty is both new and thick, promising a fresh and robust presence in your garden. Prepare for a delightful surprise as 'Snicker's Surprise' adds a touch of whimsy and charm to your landscape. (Mature Size: 20"Tx40" W)


Meet 'Wooden Nickel,' a medium-sized Hosta that brings a touch of elegance to your garden. Its green leaves feature a vibrant yellow margin, adding a splash of color to the landscape. Slightly corrugated for added texture, 'Wooden Nickel' surprises with delicate white flowers in July, and is a popular reverse variegation of 'Paradigm'. (Mature Size: 21"Tx46"W)


This medium-sized plant is a sport of the popular H. 'Gold Standard', showcasing ovate leaves with a thin white margin as well as lavender flowers in July. With a mounded growth habit, this fast-growing plant will quickly fill in any space! This plant will have you singing “Hasta manana, ‘til we meet again!” (Mature Size: 16”T x 45”W)


Hosta When I Dream, a hybrid of Empress Wu, is a dreamy addition to the garden. When I Dream is a stunner with cream-colored centers and blue margins. This hosta will have you dreaming of it all night! (Mature Size: 28"T x 60"W)


Introducing Hosta Yesterday's Memories, a nostalgic nod to days gone by in your garden. Its Large, wavy leaves boast a sunny yellow center, framed by deep green margins, evoking the warmth of cherished recollections. Adding to its charm are the delicate pale purple flowers with white stripes that bloom in July, filling the air with a sweet fragrance. This Hosta brings a touch of vintage elegance to your landscape, inviting you to reminisce amid its serene beauty. (Mature Size: 20"Tx47"W)


Let's go on a journey to meet the perfect addition to your shade garden! A medium-sized hosta, 'Don't Stop Believin' has stunning blue-green leaves with cream margins that add a touch of elegance to any garden. Take a moment to appreciate the simple joys of nature's beauty and find inspiration in the resilience of this timeless plant. So, here's to us, to believing we can keep our little green corners thriving, one leaf at a time! (Mature Size: 16"Tx 28"W)


Embark on a garden adventure with 'Ramble On,' where the foliage's incessant chatter is a delightful spectacle. Its grayish-blue leaves, boasting a creamy margin, can't help but gossip with the wind, while the red petioles add a sassy flair to the conversation. Blooming with lavender flowers, this medium-sized Hosta ensures your garden is buzzing with lively banter that never misses a beat. (Mature Size: 17"Tx28"W)


Meet 'Shocking Mandy', the medium-sized Hosta that's not afraid to make a statement in your garden. With thick leaves that start in spring fairly white, like a misted seedling, this variegated beauty takes a shocking turn as the leaves twist and go in every direction, transitioning into a unique green hue. Heralded as one of Jeff's most unusual misted plants, 'Shocking Mandy' is the twisty, wavy lance that adds a surprising jolt of character to your green space. (Mature Size: 8"Tx 18"W)


Meet 'Wide Brim,' the hosta that steals the spotlight with its creamy white leaves, deep green center, and wide edges! This rapid grower is a favorite among garden enthusiasts. With its low and wide form, 'Wide Brim' is a standout plant, perfect for those seeking clean and bright variegation. (Mature Size: 18"Tx45"W)


Step into the garden saga with Hosta 'Twilight,' where the leaves are darker than Edward's brooding gaze and the yellow margins shine brighter than Bella's love triangle. This medium-sized marvel, a werewolf among hostas, is a clever twist on H. 'Fortunei Aureomarginata,' stealing the show like Jacob's unexpected charm. With leaves so glossy, they outshine Edward's sparkles, 'Twilight' grows faster than Bella's heartbeats. As the sun sets, sturdy stalks rise, bearing light lavender flowers, transforming your garden into a realm where vampire drama meets horticultural magic. (Mature Size: 20"T x 28"W)


'Loyalist' is a striking variation of 'Patriot', featuring medium-sized, twisted dark green leaves with a bold, nearly pure white center. With its sturdy nature, it avoids the typical melt-out issues and adds elegance to your garden. In mid-summer, it delights with spikes of light lavender flowers, making 'Loyalist' a standout choice for both its beauty and resilience. (Mature Size: 12"Tx28"W)


Hosta 'Poker' raises the stakes with its medium- sized, blue-centered leaves and elegant white margins. The variegated, veined foliage creates a captivating, wavy display. In July, it surprises with pale lavender blooms, adding a winning touch to your garden. (Mature Size: 15"Tx 24"W)


Lakeside Scamp, the Hosta that's a mini-mighty with leaves just a smidge larger than a quarter! Picture this: blueish foliage, wavy and wild, wearing a gold-chartreuse margin like it's the latest fashion statement. This variegated, broadly ovate mischief-maker adds a touch of creamy yellow flair, a jewel-sized sensation that brings fun to your green space! (Mature Size: 4"T x 9"W)


In the world of gardens, the Hosta Trendsetter reigns supreme, bringing a touch of avant-garde flair to flowerbeds everywhere. With its green leaves elegantly adorned with daring yellow margins, this perennial pioneer is a hybrid masterpiece born from the union of 'Empress Wu' Hosta and a streaked 'Niagara Falls' Hosta. In the horticultural catwalk, the Hosta Trendsetter takes the lead, turning gardeners into true style connoisseurs. (Mature Size: 12"T x 40"W)


This superb ploidy-mutant sport of Hosta 'Grand Tiara' is our favorite of the "Tiara" group of hostas. With the same excellent vigor and compact growth habit of its parent, Hosta 'Grand Prize' boasts a very wide gold margin that quickly brightens to a creamy white. This dazzling clump is a "must" in all shade gardens. (Mature Size: 12"T x 24"W)


A large variegated hosta with blue green heart shaped leaves and creamy margins. Grayish colored streaks can be found where the center and margin meet. Pale lavender flowers in mid to later summer. (Mature Size: 20"T x 35"W)


This sport of H. Ambrosia is a large hosta with a more compact clump and more vibrant coloring. It boasts brighter yellow centers and wider blue margins. Large fragrant white flowers will top off this lovely girl in late summer. (Mature Size: 20"T x 45"W)


From a galaxy far, far away, this medium variegated hosta with dark green centers and light green margins which turn white later in the season. Centers will take on some soft blue streaking as well. (Mature Size: 14"T x 28"W)


A medium mound of twisted blue green leaves trimmed with ripply creamy yellow margins. Lavender flowers bloom in late summer. (Mature Size: 15"T x 35"W)


This sun loving hosta is medium sized with gold centers and green margin on the leaves that reflect the sun with its orange hues. The more sun it gets, the lighter the center is, becoming almost white, if in the right amount of sun.   (Mature Size: 20"T x 45"W)


In the heart of the garden, Hosta 'Love Story' dances with elegance, its heart-shaped leaves entwined like lovers in a poetic embrace. With its green margins entwined in chartreuse fading into a creamy white center, this medium sized hosta paints the landscape with nature's artistry. The Love Story Hosta becomes a living canvas, a testament to the garden's tender soil and a whispering tale of love. (Mature Size: 14"T x 39"W)


A sport of Empress Wu, this large hosta, has brightly colored leaves with green centers and yellow margins. Lavender flowers. It is a fast growing, sun tolerant hosta that will be an angel in your garden! (Mature Size: 28″T x 59″W)


This hosta features folded, heart shaped leaves with creamy, yellow margins and a green centers. It is 16"x24" and sports a pale lavender flower early in the summer. (Mature Size: 16"T x 24"W)


This uniquely colored hosta is as tempting to get as the food it is named after. Its leaves have bright yellow edges and a green center which is made even more stunning with its red petioles. Pale purple flowers. (Mature Size: 10"T x 22"W)


A medium hosta with blue-green leaves and a feathery yellow margin. The thick leaves have gentle twisting and rippling to give it some extra flare. Leaves will turn more green and white as the season progresses. Medium purple flowers. Can take some sun! (Mature Size: 13"T x 37"W)


A sport of Francee, this medium hosta has very dark green leaves edged with a pure white margin. Leaves have good substance and can be cupped or wavy. Pale lavender striped flowers in midsummer. One of the most popular white margined hostas!


Ambrosia is a large hosta, a sport of Guacamole in fact. With a lovely yellow center and blue edge, this beauty brightens up with some sunlight. A good grower with fragrant white flowers adds a dreamy look to your garden. Sun tolerant!


Lemon Zinger is a small hosta with long yellow-green leaves lined with a thin green edge. The softly rippled leaves can be found atop stems with some red speckling at the bottom, perfectly showcased with its slightly upright stature. Lavender flowers


This giant hosta first emerges with blue-green leaves and a yellow margin that fades to a creamy white as the season goes on. Frost Giant is also a vigorous grower with strong thick leaves that tend to withstand damage better than some other varieties. (Mature Size: 28"T x 72"W)


A small hosta from Bob Solberg with green leaves and red petioles whose red bleeds into the leaves and even lines the margin. You'll find soft blushing in between the veins in spring too. Finally, the "red hosta" everyone has been waiting for! Pale purple flowers in late summer.


This mini hosta features wavy leaves with creamy white edges, making it a lovely addition to your mini mouse collection. This compact hosta also produces lavender flowers in summer. As a tough grower, it’s an excellent choice for borders or ground cover in your garden. (Mature Size: 6"T x 14"W)


'Voices in the Wind,' the enigmatic variegated hosta, conducts a botanical opera with leaves that dance like musical notes in the breeze. Its blue-green center serves as the harmonic core, while rippled yellow margins create a visual crescendo in the garden symphony. As the wind orchestrates its invisible ballet, 'Voices in the Wind' shares the whispered wisdom of the soil, serenading the attentive gardener with tales of sunlight and the timeless rhythms of the earth. (Mature Size: 17"T x 29"W)


Twin Cities is a large to giant hosta boasting thick blue green leaves with chartreuse margins, the reverse sport of Paul's Glory. Lavender flowers will appear on this more upright and spreading clump in early to midsummer. (Mature Size: 32"T x 60"W)


This large hosta boasts blue green leaves and a nice yellow margin that won't burn! Light corrugation and smooth margins really showcase its variegation. White flowers in early to midsummer. An upgrade from the classic 'Frances Williams'.


Here she comes...Miss America is a large showstopper with variegated green and white leaves. The white leaves are edged with a nice green margin and streaked with lighter green where the two colors meet. Near white flowers with touches of lavender bloom in early to midsummer. This beauty is far more than a runner up! (Mature Size: 19"H x 55"W)


A medium hosta with lovely heart shaped blue leaves lined with a crisp white margin. The elegantly ruffled edges truly make this one special. Near white flowers in midsummer. A real delicate beauty for the garden!!


True to its name, this large showy hosta has green leaves with brightly contrasting yellow margins that really give it a pop. The ripply margins give it a nice, softened look. White flowers in midsummer. (Mature Size: 30"H x 86"W)


This large variegated hosta has deeply veined green leaves with rippled yellow margins. Pale lavender flowers in early to midsummer. A bold hosta for the garden! (Mature Size: 17"T x 36"W)


A large hosta with long, vividly colored leaves edged in bright green around pure white centers. Lavender flowers in early summer. That great spot of brightness you've been looking for! (Mature Size: 28"T x 48"W)


A medium hosta with lance shaped leaves decorated with wide white centers and green margins. A fairly quick grower. Lavender flowers in midsummer. A very festive hosta! (Mature Size: 14"T x 24"W)


A new medium hosta boasting nicely corrugated chartreuse centered leaves edged with a wide green margin. Near white flowers in early to midsummer. (Mature Size: 18"T x 40"W)


A mini hosta with blue green margins and white centers, some green streaking where the two colors meet. Lavender flowers in early summer. Won't bring any trouble to the garden, only beauty! (Mature Size: 4"T x 6"W)


A large plant with gold leaves and an uneven dark green border, a third color appears where they overlap. Lavender flowers appear in midsummer. (Mature Size: 24″T x 60″W)


A medium hosta with twisted leaves of pure white centers and very dark green margins. Purple flowers in mid summer. (Mature Size: 15″T x 22″W)


This showy sport of Krossa Regal boasts blue green centers and a vivid white edge. Vase shaped stature and lavender flowers. (Mature Size: 28″T x 42″W)


A small and low to the ground mound of pretty leaves with creamy-yellow centers surrounded by a dark green margin. Purple flowers in summer. (Mature Size: 8″T x 16″W)


This hosta features broad, heart-shaped leaves with a thick yellow margin. The green center and yellow edge create a beautiful color contrast in the garden. Perfect for borders, mass plantings, or as a focal point, this variety will elevate your outdoor space with its captivating charm and lush presence. (Mature Size: 23"T x 46"W)


This mini is a sport of Church Mouse, sharing the wavy leaves but is variegated with blue-green leaves and creamy yellow margins. Lavender flowers in early summer. (Mature Size: 8″T x 12″W)


This large hosta has an upright stature of chartreuse leaves with slimmer green margins. The ripply leaves and pale lavender flowers give it a graceful look. (Mature Size: 24″T x 58″W)


A large hosta with lovely cascading green leaves and white centers with a soft green overlap where the colors meet. Light lavender flowers in midsummer. (Mature Size: 16″T x 38″W)


This is a fantastic sport of a great landscape hosta 'Francee'.  The leaves stand up better than the average hosta into the summer months.  Beautiful lavender flowers on a 30" scape in July.  The magins start out creamy yellow in the spring and transition into a nice crisp white margin later into the season.


A giant hosta, sport of Empress Wu, with blue-green leaves and apple green margins. Lavender flowers in midsummer. A good grower! (Mature Size: 42"T x 66"W)  


A Sport of Elegans, this medium sized plant is a lovely tri-colored hosta with light green leaves, dark green margins, and medium green streaks in between. (Mature Size: 20"T x 43"W)


A medium variegated hosta with chartreuse leaves and wispy dark green margins. The leaves are thick and slightly cupped and their bright colors will surely draw admirers. Lavender flowers. (Mature Size: 16"T x 18"W)


Large, heart-shaped, blue-green leaves with wide, creamy-white margins that are creamy yellow in spring. Pale lavender flowers appear on 40 inch scapes in midsummer. Outstanding specimen plant. (Mature Size: 26"T x 60"W)


This cute small hosta grows quickly and has distinctly cupped leaves that are chartreuse in the centers with broad, deep green margins. Light lavender flowers. A very happy little plant! (Mature Size: 9"T x 19"W)


Small hosta that is a sport of 'June' with distinctly wider, blue margins. Yellow center brightens to white by midsummer. Pale lavender flowers. Slug resistant! (Mature Size: 8"T x 15"W)


Leaves emerge in spring bright yellow with a narrow, dusty green edge. By early summer, leaves have dark blue-green margins and snow white centers. Lavender flowers. (Mature Size: 15"T x 20"W)


A large vigorous grower with variegated leaves consisting of very wide, blue-green margins and sharply contrasting creamy white centers. White flowers appear on two foot scapes in midsummer. (Mature Size: 30"T x 72"W)


A striking medium sized plant with wavy leaves of creamy white centers and dark green edges that are highlighted with bits of golden yellow. Pale lavender flowers. Perfect for the Star Trek fan or any gardener! (Mature Size: 22"T x 36"W)


Large hosta with leaves of dark green margined with a slightly ruffled gold and a hint of white. Near-white flowers. This plant hasn't met a gardener who can resist it. (Mature Size: 26"T x 36"W)


A small hosta that is hard to pass up with its shiny green and yellow foliage. Showy red scapes carry the dark lavender flowers. A bright and beautiful hosta that demands attention. (Mature Size: 11"T x 21"W)


A medium hosta with leaves consisting of a wide blue margin that contrast nicely with the creamy white center all season long. Near-white flowers and good slug resistance! (Mature Size: 24"T x 24"W)


The variegated leaves on this large hosta are gold centered with impressively wide dark green borders.Lavender flowers will bloom in midsummer. (Mature Size: 16"T x 40"W)


A sport of Guacamole, this large, fragrant hosta has leaves of bright yellow centers and dark green margins. White flowers will bloom in late summer. Sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 20"T x 45"W)


A gorgeous, small hosta with heart shaped leaves whose green margins and chartreuse feathery centers make this a coveted plant. Definitely a favorite! Lavender flowers. (Mature Size: 10"T x 20"W)


This fun medium sized hosta has very twisted green leaves with white edges. Lavender blooms in midsummer. You'll understand where it gets its name when you see it! (Mature Size: 16"T x 30"W)


A flirty, little mini hosta with a mound of thick, rippled blue-green leaves with creamy yellow margins in spring. Pale lavender flowers in early to midsummer. Slug resistant! (Mature Size: 5"T x 18"W)


Medium hosta with bright yellow margins that gradually turn to an apple green with white lines dividing the center and margin. Slightly twisted and cupped. Lavender flowers. Great grower! (Mature Size: 12"T x 24"W)  


A small, very easy growing little hosta with leaves decorated with limey-gold margins and narrow medium green centers.


A very large hosta that boasts shiny gold leaves with a narrow green margin. One of the few fragrant hostas! Sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 24"T x 54"W)


A large hosta with blue-green leaves and an irregular creamy white center. Heavy substance. White flowers. (Mature Size: 29"T x 58"W)


A giant hosta with heavily corrugated, round blue leaves edged with a wide golden border. White flowers. Keep this one in full shade. Definitely an eye catcher and favorite! (Mature Size: 36"T x 48"W)


A large hosta with intricately variegated leaves of gold centers and deep green edges. Pure white, tightly packed flowers sit on the top of the plant. A very hard to miss plant! Sun tolerant too! (Mature Size: 28"T x 62"W)


This amazing hosta makes a huge 5' wide clump of slightly wavy, pointed green leaves edged with a very wide light yellow margin. Topped with lavender flowers. Sun resistant! (Mature Size: 22"T x 48"W)


A giant plant with shiny green leaves and yellow margins. A good grower but give it time to reach its full size. Lavender flowers in early to mid summer. A true victory for the garden! (Mature Size: 30"T x 42"W)


This medium hosta is a sport of June, with blue leaves and yellow centers, some green spliced throughout. Has a slightly upright stature and lavender flowers. Slug resistant and sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 16"T x 24"W)


A medium hosta with dark green leaves and cream colored centers. Best color is achieved in open shade. Lavender flowers. Slug resistant and sun tolerant! You will love this one! (Mature Size: 18"T x 24"W)


A gorgeous small hosta with leaves of dark green borders and radiant gold centers. Light lavender flowers and it is slug resistant! (Mature Size: 10"T x 25"W)


A large hosta displaying slightly wavy leaves of dark green with golden centers. Light green colorations appear where the margin and center overlap. Lavender flowers appear in midsummer. (Mature Size: 18"T x 40"W)


A giant hosta with huge, dark green leaves that are edged with irregular golden margins. Pale lavender flowers in midsummer. An early spring riser! (Mature Size: 27"T x 48"W)


A mini variegated hosta with blue-green leaves and a bright creamy yellow margin which will transition to grey-green with a creamy white margin in midsummer. Lavender flowers. Slug resistant!


Beautiful medium hosta with variegated leaves-dark green margins and bright yellow centers. Speckled red petioles and dark lavender flowers finish off this gorgeous "tropical" hosta! (Mature Size: 12"T x 18"W)


A very pretty large hosta with corrugated and folded leaves that ruffle at the base. Blue-green leaves that contrast wonderfully with their feathery, white center. Pale lavender flowers. (Mature Size: 21"T x 32"W)


Medium hosta with broadly ovate, chartreuse leaves with darker green centers. The smooth leaves are of good, thick substance and are slightly wavy. Lavender flowers. A vigorous grower and sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 14"T x 24"W)


No need to put this plant near a light socket! A small hosta with tightly rippled, twisted, long and narrow leaves that stick up proudly in the air. You'll find a hint of yellow on the margins. Lavender flowers. (Mature Size: 14"T x 28"W)


A very bright medium hosta with frosty blue leaves and an extra wide yellow margin turning creamy white as the season goes on. Lavender flowers in mid to late summer. Slug resistant! (Mature Size: 12"T x 24"W)


A lovely mini hosta with pointed leaves with a very wide blue-green border and creamy white center that give it a totally different look. (Mature Size: 6"T x 11"W)


Medium-sized hosta with foliage in which the colors change from a combination of blue and gold to dark green and creamy white. A crowd favorite that is both slug resistant and sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 16"T x 36"W)


A customer favorite, this large, thick-leaved hosta has green leaves with wide, gold margins. Incredible substance ranks this hosta near the top for this trait. Near white flowers and slug resistant! (Mature Size: 26"T x 40"W)


This incredibly unique medium hosta has extremely elongated, folded, twisty dark green leaves and a very thin yellow rippled border- like no hosta you've seen! Lavender flowers. Slug resistant and sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 16"T x 30"W)


A popular seller, this medium has lovely gold centered leaves with wide blue-green margins and excellent substance. Colors will vary depending on light. Lavender flowers. Slug resistant and sun tolerant!

(Mature Size: 16″T x 37″W)


A large stunning plant with medium blue-green leaf center and very wide creamy yellow margins becoming creamy white. Lavender flowers in July. Slug resistant and sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 28"T x 60"W)


Sweeter than it sounds, this mounding giant can be found sporting huge heavy blue leaves with a wide green margin. White flowers top it all off. (Mature Size: 30"T x 48"W)


A definite favorite, the beautiful Paradigm makes a 3-4 ft. wide clump of glossy bright gold foliage, surrounded by a wide dark blue green border. Lavender flowers. Sun tolerant! (Mature Size: 22"T x 48"W)


Dark green heart-shaped leaves with white edges and lavender flowers can be found on this large plant. A reliable variety that looks good no matter what the weather. Neat and elegant mound. (Mature Size: 21″T x 50″W)